Celebrating Nick & Marilynn

Fairy lights cascading down the brick wall, green tall trees adorning the lawn, @glasshouseatseputeh is one of the perfect venues for an indoor garden wedding in Malaysia’s tropical weather. 🌳

Wedding Planner: Eventistry
Venue: Glasshouse Seputeh
Photographer: Terence Tan Photography
Decoration: I Heart Party

#eventistrymy #eventistry #eventistrymalaysia #weddingplanning #weddingplanningkl #weddingvenue #gardenwedding #indoorgardenwedding #ecowedding

A simplistic 3-tier cake with gold lustre middle tier and customised cake topper matching the wedding theme.

I would walk 500 miles… ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣
… and I would walk 500 miles more ❤️🌹⁣⁣