Food For Thought : What A Waste X Eventistry

Dear valued guests,

We hope you’re having an enjoyable time so far!

To add on top of your exquisite dining experience, we’re delighted to have you participate with us at our mission to combat food waste with What A Waste Malaysia (WaW) x EVENTISTRY.

Here are some dining etiquette and guidelines you can follow as you begin your quest to food rescue:

1. Enjoy the meal
Feel free to dive into your feast galore wholeheartedly. We encourage takeaways at the end of the event – just simply requests for food containers from the servers!

2. Use the Sharing Spoon Provided
A sharing spoon helps maintain food hygiene as all uneaten food will help support “Feed The Hunger” marginalized community, a food rescue mission by WaW.

3. Omit Inedible Food Items
Avoid placing half-eaten or inedible food parts back onto the dish plates.

4. Take What You Need
And eat what you take! For buffet lines, be mindful to only take amounts sufficient for yourself to avoid food waste at the end of the day.

Together with our couple, we’re glad that you’re taking part in creating meaningful celebrations by giving back to the environment & the marginalized community. Food rescued will adhere to our food waste reduction hierarchy: (1) Feeding People First, (2) then Animals, (3) Recycling, (4) Lastly, Composting.

Every Portion of Food Matters.

EVENTISTRY is a strong advocate of #SustainableEvents by creating beautiful celebrations through mindful decisions. Thank you for joining our collaboration with WaW as we rescue food to help save a family, and to save the environment.

Bon Appétit and thank you for saving a food!

*Disclaimer: WaW is a Food Rescue Specialist. Each rescue mission is special and therefore cannot be represented for all cases for it’s efficiency. However, EVENTISTRY x WaW will assist to help rescue as much food as possible. Every steps followed cannot be verified nor specifically measure for its effectiveness, but it represents our best endeavor to share every possible preventative measurements and information gathered at this time. Our mission remains, give a food, save a family.